Wednesday, October 04, 2006

4 October 2006 East Lomond

82min, 6.1km very disappointing performance.

Still tired and sore from Sunday football and Monday kendo, but dragged myself out early as its nearly a week since I've been on the bike.

In contrast to Kirroughtree (dry trails after torrential rain) this was very wet and muddy after no real recent rain to talk about. Amazing - and depressing - just what a difference mud makes. I'm not even talking about axle deep churned mud - just a soft wet layer on most of the trail and the occasional inch or so deep mud for a few metres.
If an hour of this is so tough - how will I cope with a day (or 7) like it? :(

Reduction in grip/traction means more energy used for same distance, slower progress and the odd wavy moment in the deeper stuff.

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