Thursday, October 12, 2006

12 October 2006 Tracks n Backroads

As per previous blog, I realised on the way home last night that there is a reasonably flat area to the East of here that I haven't explored - mainly because there are no decent sized areas of woodland etc within it, and no major towns that have given reason to travel into it.

On the map however, it is littered with several small areas of woodland linked together by back roads and lanes.

In practice, it proved to be a worthwhile route to add to the training mix. There are a couple of short steep hills - one a real farm lane, the other tarmac - but in general its undulating enough to keep the pedals going. First time out there was a lot of downtime to check locations and next steps on the map (a skill I must improve) and there should be scope to extend it further out as time goes by.

Must have a look at Google Maps/Earth and see if I can document any routes here - or if I have to get a separate piece of software.

2hr 45min total time, of which 2hr 05 min actual cycling.

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