Saturday, November 11, 2006

5 November 2006 Tracks n Backroads

Late posting this, but today's riding plans got mashed so it's a chance to catch up.

Another trip round this route including the recent Clatto extra.

Ground a bit drier and firmer than before and I felt I was quite "attacking" the course. Ended up back in 2hr 30 min for the 30km which is the same as last time - except that I stopped for a few minutes to help a guy on a hybrid who had tried to pump up his back tyre but due to a valve mistmatch had only succeeded in emptying it.

Actually, I was hailed down by two impressive roadies who had already stopped. Husband and wife, both in the free bus pass age group, drop handlebars and wooly hats. They were both interested in MTBing - maintenance, weight, where to put the panniers, etc. 60 miles a day was nothing to them a while ago - they've "done Inverness in a day" apparently; about 130 miles.

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