Saturday, November 11, 2006

Smart BL201 Twin Headlamp System

Since the clocks changed it has been difficult to get out sharpish on weekends due to the darkness. I'm not keen to ride in the dark, but it would be handy to get out in the gloom so I'm well under way when the sun comes up. And I do need to try some off road at night to see if I'd want to attempt the night sections of the TransUK events.

After a good deal of searching around, I have just sniped a Smart BL201 Twin Headlamp System on Ebay for £25. Seems a good deal as they are openly on sale for £45-60 elsewhere.

These have a 2.4W lamp and a 10W lamp, both halogen. The idea is that the 2.4W should be ample for road riding to get to somewhere and has pretty long battery life, the 10W entry-level ok for off-road if I need it.

Will report back once they've been road tested.

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